Photomosaics are images that have been overlapped and stitched together to create one larger image. They can help to provide greater perspective of the site and assist with interpretation of the exposed artefacts and structural remains.
This gallery contains samples of photomosaics of the Clarence during excavation. They were created by Paul Bourke, Director of iVEC@UWA and Acting Project Manager, Debra Shefi using AHSPP imagery and are copyright to AHSPP and Paul Bourke. Please contact the Project Manager if you wish to access high resolution versions of these images. More high resolution mosaics are currently being processed and will be uploaded soon.
- Exposed hull structure.
- View to port side with excavated trench on foreground.
- Hull frames revealed beneath missing ceiling planking.
- View of keelson at stern.
- Portside upstanding hull frames.
- Excavated trench, view to bow.
- Extent of excavation trench towards bow
- Excavated trench showing exposed ceiling planking with starboard frames at bottom of image.
- Detail of mast step.
- Detail of hull inner timbers at stern.
- View of excavation trench to starboard with mast step in right foreground.
- Exposed ceiling planking near keelson.
- Mosaic of excavated trench with detail of mast step.
- Mosaic of starboard ceiling planking showing frames to the top.