AHSPP – the Clarence project offers sponsorship packages for stakeholders in underwater cultural heritage and related areas by offering the opportunity for organisations to be directly involved by way of sponsorship. This project will attract a broad audience involved in underwater and maritime archaeology, underwater cultural heritage management and education. It will raise the profile of IGOs, NGOS, universities, corporations, Government agencies and museums which will yield important dividends in terms of networks and information sharing.
Sponsorship packages have been designed to maximise your organisation’s exposure and return on investment. The following packages have been tailored to appeal to a wide variety of objectives. However if there are other ways in which your organisation would like to be involved, we welcome the opportunity to discuss these with you.
Gold Sponsor ($10,000)
Acknowledgement as a Gold Sponsor on the Project website
Logo prominently placed on the Project website and on site during fieldwork
Invitations to all lectures and presentations
Silver Sponsor ($5,000)
Acknowledgement as a Silver Sponsor on the Project website
Logo placed on the Project website
Invitations to selected lectures and presentations
Bronze Sponsor ($1,000)
Acknowledgement as a Bronze Sponsor on the Project website
Small logo placed on the Project website
Invitations to selected lectures and presentations